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Our Work

The archival process that Sangeetcar follows is a rather cumbersome process. With us being in a rural area where the comforts and conveniences of a city are not available. We still thrive through the problems we face with the brilliantly talented team we have with us. Once we have recorded as much as possible in a particular region, we head back to our office in Delhi and commence on the edits with video and audio being handled in the most delicate manner possible.

Once the edits are complete and the archive is updated, we store all this data for conservation purposes along with making it available to everyone else who wishes to know more about Indian Folk Music in the world.

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Striving to bring you the best!

All of us at Sangeetcar are working tirelessly to bring you breathtaking content and musical brilliance every single day. Above, you have access to our Youtube channel where we upload music, artist interviews and soon you'll also have behind the scenes videos of our journey. Below you have the daily dose of images and videos of us on the go and archiving the Folk Music of India. Subscribe and follow us on social media and join the journey. 

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